A little background: I used to wear gas permeable contacts. ( Though I've now joined the 21st Century and have soft contacts) These hard contacts were not disposable. I took great care of them most of the time. To give you an idea of how important they were to me- I had each pair for an average of 5+ years. To lose one would be just short of a tragedy. There were a few times when I did lose a contact for good. Though, more often than not, when I did lose one, I would find it. The process was always the same:
Lose the contact
Frantically search for the contact
Search more for the contact in places where it couldn't possibly have gone
Humble myself
Offer a sincerely humble prayer
Find the contact (Within two minutes of saying the prayer)
Offer an intense prayer of thanks
One of these times I found the contact almost down the sink. It was halfway through the slit in the plastic drain piece (Though the slit in the drain piece had enough space to allow at least 3 contacts simultaneously)
These instances led me to believe that God had indeed intervened in my life. He inspired me where to look.
This was such a blessing for me. He blessed me. Yet, I thought, there are so many instances where God chooses not to intervene. What is the difference between me and those people who don't experience divine intervention? Why me? Initially, it was fairly simple for me to dismiss. After all, I have never been to a third world country and seen how wretched the actual suffering is. Nor can I imagine the full scope of suffering. I could easily justify an answer while sitting in a comfortable home with food available.
I had heard people ask: Why does God allow suffering? I usually gave answers that had no real logic or reason, but I would glaze over it and change the subject.
As I started to think about divine intervention, It made this question a bit more personal. I will pose the same question which troubled me:
Why would God intervene in the case of finding my contacts but does not intervene in the case of, for example, a child who dies of starvation?
I look forward to hearing what you think on this question.
Editor of Rottentomatoes.com Watch at :30 and then later at 1:21
Bender & Me
Leia and me. (I'm using the force to make her massage me)
I am apparently holding a syringe, which would make me The Syringer.
At a heavenly Mexican Restaurant called Panchp's (It was actually called Pancho's, but my Navigation had it listed as "Panchp's" which is why we went there) Que quieres mi amor?
I was just pretending to be scared to save Wolverine's face, which is why he owes me.
"We'll save you Zelda!"
If I have my way I'm never gonna leave Lemon Grove Avenue...
After 5 years of being together, Meghan & I took a big step in our relationship. On 6.7.08, we I eloped to Las Vegas, NV! It was at the Little White Wedding Chapel and it was so perfect.
Bikram is a type of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury. It is...
"ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90-minutes. People of all levels, ages and body types practice and start together as this is a beginning yoga class." {wikipedia}
It is sometimes referred to as "hot yoga". This, however, is a gross understatement. It is not just "hot." Allow me to paint a picture. Imagine with me... it's mid-August in Death Valley, NV. It's high noon and you're in a tin shed without windows. There you sit on a pancake skillet. You're wearing a wool sweater under a black pleather parka and chaps. Right between your butt cheeks lies a single habaƱero pepper that just recently got microwaved. In the pepper is a burnt Hot Tamale- When I practice Bikram, I'm that Hot Tamale. In Bikram yoga, the class lasts about 90 minutes. There are a series of 26 postures. Here is a chart illustrating these postures:
(Click to Enlarge)
Note: During posture 17 I twirl my face towel around to create a "cool" wind. I call this the "Helicopter Pose."
I have to say this though, even thought Bikram yoga literally feels like hell, it's surprisingly therapeutic. It's like cleaning the toilet- It sucks while you're doing it, but afterwards it feels great.
You should try it. And you know what they say, if you can't take the heat... lay on your side 'til class finishes.
A couple months back, Meghan found out that one of our favorite artists was going to be playing a show... The one and only Ben Folds! The show she found was going to be in Bozeman, MT (which is actually near BFE, MT) So we made a nice relaxing trip out of it.
April 22, 2008 - Earth Day
Before the concert we ate dinner at a place called Montana Ale Works. It was a hip place that served burgers and shtuff like that. Long story short, THEY SAT US DOWN NEXT TO BEN FOLDS. He was eating there with his band. We toasted a "Happy Earth Day" with them and chatted about the drive to Salt Lake (Which they, ironically enough, were going to be making that evening) Afterwards, we took a pic. We posed so that I could Photoshop an Earth floating by our hands, but Ben suggested something else, so that's the one I did. Here it is: The concert was a blast and he played some new songs that will be on his new album due in September!
Orlando is such a talented guy. I've improvised with him before and he is so positive AND creative. And if that weren't enough, his British accent is to die for! If I were gay, well... nevermind. Let's just leave it at - Orlando Seale is top notch.
If you don't come, then you'll hear about it through the grapevine and it will make you think, "Wow, I really should have taken Matt's Thrillionaires blog post seriously. That's crumby. Really crumby."
So, make sure to put it on your calendar! (Or you'll make Saint Patrick cry)
On February 16th a long-time dream of mine came true:
If you don't know who they are, shame on you. Ok, shame is a harsh judgment for something like this. Here is a list of jingles you may have heard:
Coca Cola Folgers Lagoon
and perhaps their biggest hit:
Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego
Remember this awesome lady?!
Anyway, In high school I was in a quartet called 4 Cryin' Out Loud (We sounded wretched, but felt like we were on top of the world) and Rockapella has set the standard for our a cappella singing.
To sum it up - Rockapella were my heroes. So when I got to get my picture with them I had to throw it in Photoshop and make it look the way it felt to be in their company. Here's the original:
And without further ado, I give you...
I"'m a big nerd - There, I said it!
WOW that feels good.
And to tie this whole story together, I should tell you that in July, I'm going to Comic-Con in Sunny San Diego! Oh yeah, that's right! Nerd-Fest '08
I make sure to look for Carmen There *wink wink nudge* [ZING!]
Here is a video sketch some friends and I made for a YouTube contest called Sketchies II. The concept comes from the genius mind of writer/ director Marty Patch. I love Marty. Also in it is the adorable Jake Ben Suazo (We perform in the Thrillionaires together)
Oh, and here's the link. (just in case you want to rate it!)
This is one of the cutest things in the world, so I had to blog about it. It may seem strange, but I love when Meghan flips me off. No matter what her intent, it is just adorable! Aren't they?!
For years I have been saying this and I have finally have the proof!: During his time travels, Marty McFly made a pit stop in 2008 to get an oil change. Taken on February 5th, 2008
I didn't actually see him, but I assume that he was inside paying.
On the 8th of this month, Meghan and I went to Mika in concert at In The Venue in Salt Lake. Mika's the guy who sings, among other catchy pop songs, that one that goes
"I could be brown I could be blue I could be violet sky I could be hurtful I could be purple I could be anything you like"
We arrived when the line had already wrapped around the building and spanned to the next city block. Yet, by some miracle we got an amazing parking spot right in front of the venue! Our time in the car was the best part of the night. We just sat in the warm car looking at people in line and passersby. Based on what they looked like, we would just make up voices and things that they would say. We were cracking up! After a while, we saw my friends Peter and Danny. When we got in, Megs and I went up on the balcony.
Since Mika's instruments were snowed in somewhere in Wyoming, he could only put on an acoustic show. Because of this, we got $10 per ticket refund. Nice!
Between the hanging chandeliers and ornate velvet-upholstered thrones and the drummer with her "superfly afro," the show was stupendous.
I only fear that Mika might have let down many "gaggles" of "voluptuous" girls. There was a strong demand for him to play "Big Girls" "You take your girl And multiply her by four Now a whole lot of woman Needs a whole lot more..."
The crowd was Ear-splittingly LOUD. No doubt Mika felt releived by our reaction to his humble acoustic set. I believe he will return.
Recently, Meghan and I were shopping at Target. As we approached the peanut butter area (I really like PB), I noticed two older women perusing the jams and jellies. Entertaining myself, I imagined that these ladies were, in fact, British ladies selecting which jams would be choice to enhance Tea Time. I giggled inside at the thought.
After selected my Skippy SuperChunk (sans Trans Fats) , Meghan and I started to look at the look at the jellies too. Politely, the ladies moved slightly to the side, allowing room for us as well. Since the whole rest of the isle was devoid of people, I said "This is quite the hot spot, eh?!" The younger of the ladies (40s) said "Yes it is."
Now when she said this, in my mind, it even sounded slightly English. "Did I detect an accent?" I asked. To my surprise, she said "yes. WE'RE FROM ENGLAND" [Note: they did not actually yell this, the capitals are intended to give it emphasis representing the surprise I felt]
Then I just got all stupid. I said things like "So you crossed the pond to get some jams and jellies?" and "I really think you sound great" and "Boy, I'm almost, like, starstruck here" Stupid things like that.
As we chatted we found out the mom, er, mum, was visiting from England and the daughter has lived in Utah for 17 years (Yet still maintains a delightfully thick accent!)
Very nice ladies.
I do, however, think they were slightly creeped out by my intense interest in their accents. I couldn't help but think this as I noticed them s l o w l y b a c k i n g a w a y from me as I was talking to them.
I need to expand my horizons so I'm not such a wanker.
My friends and I entered a 24 Hour Film Competition. The theme had to be compassion, we had to use a band aid and it had to include the phrase "could you please..." Here it is:
Oh, and we won Audience Choice and First Place. It was a blast to make. Thanks to Garrett Batty, Matt Gerow and Jacob Ben Suazo.