Monday, May 19, 2008

Bikram Yoga

Bikram is a type of yoga developed by Bikram Choudhury. It is...
"ideally practiced in a room heated to 105°F (40.5°C) with a humidity of 40%. Classes are guided by specific dialogue including 26 postures and two breathing exercises. Classes last approximately 90-minutes. People of all levels, ages and body types practice and start together as this is a beginning yoga class." {wikipedia}
It is sometimes referred to as "hot yoga". This, however, is a gross understatement. It is not just "hot." Allow me to paint a picture. Imagine with me...
it's mid-August in Death Valley, NV. It's high noon and you're in a tin shed without windows. There you sit on a pancake skillet. You're wearing a wool sweater under a black pleather parka and chaps. Right between your butt cheeks lies a single habañero pepper that just recently got microwaved. In the pepper is a burnt Hot Tamale- When I practice Bikram, I'm that Hot Tamale.
In Bikram yoga, the class lasts about 90 minutes. There are a series of 26 postures. Here is a chart illustrating these postures:

(Click to Enlarge)
Note: During posture 17 I twirl my face towel around to create a "cool" wind. I call this the "Helicopter Pose."

I have to say this though, even thought Bikram yoga literally feels like hell, it's surprisingly therapeutic. It's like cleaning the toilet- It sucks while you're doing it, but afterwards it feels great.

You should try it. And you know what they say, if you can't take the heat... lay on your side 'til class finishes.


Meghan said...

I LOVE IT! I am cracking up here at work! Hey, at least you don't pace the room like a nervous wreck! Some people literally get so crazy with the heat that they start walking around the room. I am so proud of you for always sticking through the entire class. That's a feat in itself.

davis said...

you described bikram hell to a T. that was a super funny poster too. i shall try position 17 next time.

skcoe said...

Babe in Boysland said...

Hahaha! Did you illustrate this yourself? Your description coupled with the diagram really do paint a picture and will surely discourage anyone from particiapting in Bikram yoga. Ever.

Shawn said...

Love it, love it, love it!!

I can just visualize you....heh, heh...

Helicopter, yeah...

vonblake said...

The original Bikram yoga place is about a mile from my place in Los Angeles. Bikram has been in trouble off and on with the FBI for years for fraud. Ha! I find that the whole routine does wonders for my pores though.

Meghan said...

I just noticed you replaced COBRA (Position 17) with HELICOPTER. If I incorporated the helicopter in my routine, I would definitely use it during cobra, elbows hurt just thinking about it.

Sarah said...

Where can I get into this? I Love Yoga, but I can't find anywhere to do it?

Adam Borg said...

Oh too funny, I was cracking up when I saw this.

Three Coin Productions said...

I'll tell you what's hot: this post is hot! You kill me.