(click poster to enlarge)

Orlando is such a talented guy. I've improvised with him before and he is so positive AND creative. And if that weren't enough, his British accent is to die for! If I were gay, well... nevermind. Let's just leave it at - Orlando Seale is top notch.

If you don't come, then you'll hear about it through the grapevine and it will make you think, "Wow, I really should have taken Matt's Thrillionaires blog post seriously. That's crumby. Really crumby."
So, make sure to put it on your calendar!
(Or you'll make Saint Patrick cry)
(Or you'll make Saint Patrick cry)

I love his music....can't wait to see what he does with improv.
I thought Seale was black.
I loved Orlando in "Pirates of the Caribbean" but that was more adventure than comedy improv, so I too am excited to see what he can do.
Maybe there'll be a sword fight. Yarrr!
Just wanted to post so you knew I was here. I miss seeing you at CSZ...I'll have to come and see you at the Thrillionaires sometime.
You are amazing.
I ovelay, ouyah!
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