Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Little Birdies

This is one of the cutest things in the world, so I had to blog about it. It may seem strange, but I love when Meghan flips me off. No matter what her intent, it is just adorable! Aren't they?!


El Numero Uno


The "Big'un"


Meghan said...

We all have our vices! It's how I control myself...just throw up a little bird and the anger melts away. I've been known to flip up my finger under my desk at work at an intern or bothersome visitor. I don't need the target to see the flip off, the finger release just helps ME to feel calm and in control of my emotions. Actually, I just flipped off my downstairs neighbor right now because he is talking loud (I am in my apt, he is in his). No harm, no foul!

Aaron Gundy said...

Oh that really is adorable:)

Unknown said...

That. Is. Awesome.

davis said...

im am laughing out loud. seriously.

skcoe said...

Another reason to adore your Meghan!

Tom Quinn. said...

If the world truly understood the bird's powers to curb global war by neutralizing domestic agitation and violence, then you'd see a lot more parents and teachers encouraging the proper and frequent use of the "Peace" finger.

Babe in Boysland said...

Hahaha! Go Meghan. It's probably cute to you in the way my husband finds it funny when I curse or try to lift his weights.