Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Every 23 Years or 3000 Miles...

For years I have been saying this and I have finally have the proof!:
During his time travels, Marty McFly made a pit stop in 2008 to get an oil change.

Taken on February 5th, 2008

I didn't actually see him, but I assume that he was inside paying.


skcoe said...

HAH! That is awesome!!! And he chose OREM of all places???

Adam Borg said...

Ha ha nice I guess he likes to travel around. I saw his car in Dallas back in 05 in the parking lot of an Albertsons. Come on Marty, Albertsons?

--V-- said...

Stumbled across your blog...

How wonderful!

I probably would have had someone take a picture of me caressing the car...